Cyber Fraud & Identity Theft Prevention
There are many people out there that have DSL or cable connections that don't have proper firewalls or up to date antivirus programs in place. Too many think it just came with the computer. This can create a breach and your privacy violated. The General Accounting Office now puts identity theft at 750,000 victims a year. Victims spend an average of 175 painstaking hours to undo the damage.
There are things you can do to protect yourself especially regarding your computer. First and foremost, don't store your personal information on your computer. Someone harvesting that kind of information can literally go through thousands of computers in the hour you spend watching your favorite television program. Virus' can infect your system and relay that information in alot less time. Make sure your firewalls and anit-virus software is up to date. If you don't have them - get them. You don't have to be the most tech savy person to do it either. For the average user, you can find security information, news and products presented in plain language at to keep yourself and your computer running current and up to date.
Beware people who come asking for your personal information. This is becoming commonly known as PHISH. Services you already have do not email you asking for you to resubmit your information. PayPal had some of it's customers caught in this net recently and had to issue an email telling them not to respond. Instead of replying with your information, email them back asking for a telephone number by which to contact them directly. It is doubtful that they will respond with one. If they do, you can check out the number in a number of ways to make sure it's for real. One way is to use the reverse listings available on many search engines. My favorite is>.
Check your credit report at least once a year. Have a fraud alert put on your accounts. This is a flag that asks creditors to contact you before opening any new accounts. This may impede opening instant accounts. But, the security seems well worth the inconveinance. You can also order credit watch services from them that contact you when there is unusual activity. Here are links to the big three:
Labels: against_identity_protecting_theft, bank_identity_theft, citibank_commercial_identity_theft, development_identity_software_theft, identity_site_theft_web